Venice – Museums

Venice is home to world class museums and works of art. Collections include everything from indigenous works to modern and contemporary pieces, as well as science exhibits, natural history museum, aquariums and more.

Gallerie dell’Accademia

Focused on artwork of pre-19th century, the Gallerie dell’Accademia is located along the south bank of the Grand Canal. The location had previously been the art academy of Venice and houses a collection of Venetian paintings up to the 18th century. It includes pieces by Charles Le Brun, Leonardo da Vinci and other famous Venetian artists.


Museo Civico Correr

Located in St. Mark’s Square, the museum includes works that focus on both the art and history of Venice. Having started in 1830, the museum is divided into several rooms, each featuring works of art that include Neoclassical, Imperial and Venetian Culture forms of artistic expression.


Ca’ Pesaro Galleria Internazionale d’arte Moderna

A museum dedicated to Venice’s modern arts, it is one of eleven that are run by the Fondazione Musei Civic di Venezia. The museum focuses on artworks from the 19th and 20th centuries and includes an upper floor dedicated to works from Japan, China and Indonesia, including over 30,000 objects as part of its Oriental Art Museum.
